Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Apathy is my Worst Enemy

To me, there is nothing worse than doing absolutely nothing.

I don't mean a lazy Sunday where you hang out in your pajamas all day on the couch and order Thai food and catch up on TV shows kind of nothing (guilty as charged). I'm talking about a lack of desire to participate in life. There are so many amazing things going on no matter where you are in the world, whether it's a serene sunrise from a secluded mountain or a huge party in an abandoned warehouse in a major city (yeah, I wish my life was like Girls).

I've started a lot of lists of things I'd like to do, variations on bucket lists and upcoming events and things I want to remember, but never fully finished one. Recently, I've let myself become inspired by Mackenzie Horan, blogger & founder of online boutique Design Darling, to start a list of 101 in 1001 (the longer explanation: 101 things I'd like to complete in 1001 days). The two hardest things about this will be to: 1) Not to procrastinate til I'm 500+ days in & 2) Not to make myself feel pressured to complete every single thing. It's meant to be enjoyable, not a chore!

I'm not ready to share my 101 things with you yet, but I'm adding to it and editing it every day. I definitely do not want to put things on my list just to get it to the magic number. I want to continue to get involved with my wonderful, amazing city & experience all the things it has to offer while I evolve with it (hello, adulthood!).

Want to know one thing that is certainly making it on? Watching a sunset from Brooklyn with this water tower by Tom Fruin (pictured above) taking center stage.

What would be on your list?


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